This is one of those dishes that you can make from scratch or take a few short cuts if time is an issue! I made everything from scratch: biscuits, pulled brisket, white BBQ sauce and pimento cheese. However, feel free to find the store-bought version of some of these ingredients to make your life easier.  Not that making it from scratch is hard, on the contrary. The pulled brisket, as you already know, is very conveniently made in the crockpot.

The White BBQ sauce I did try to get it from the store, but couldn’t find it. ** venting cap on ** Sometimes it amazes me how I can’t find some products in NYC! Aren’t we suppose to have everything from all over the world in NYC?? Somehow I find myself (and my poor husband) in the grocery store, in an almost a scavenger-hunt-like experience, scratching my head looking at shelves and shelves of products without being able to find what I want. True, my list has become weirder and weirder after I decided to start food blogging, but still, it’s NYC for God’s sake! ** venting cap off ** Thank you for listening reading my first world problems! You would probably like to know that I did find a recipe for homemade White BBQ and it was as easy as putting the ingredients in the blender! So crisis averted!

Can you believe I had never made homemade biscuits before I decided to make these sandwiches? It’s so incredibly easy! They bake for only 10 minutes or so and they are so flaky/tender/buttery! I will definitely be making them more often.  In fact, I might take a day to make a bunch of biscuits and freeze them. Then, whenever I wanna make these delicious sandwiches (or any other biscuit sandwich), I can just pop them in the oven and bake for 20 minutes! And voilàaaaa! Biscuits whenever I want, at any time of the day! (I’m possibly seeing some breakfast biscuit sandwiches in my near future!) And now it’s time to combine all these amazing ingredients to create the most delicious, luscious White BBQ Brisket Sandwiches! That time when everything comes together and you understand that all the hard work was definitely worth it.

You get to assemble the sandwiches in any way you want. I like to do: pulled beef first, then pimento cheese and finish off with the white BBQ sauce! You can even make all the ingredients ahead of time, as they will all benefit from a day or two in the fridge, and have them ready to assemble before serving. The biscuits will keep fine for up to 2-3 days in an airtight container in your pantry. Don’t forget the napkins, as these sandwiches are a little on the messy side with all its sauciness. I suppose some people could chomp them down in one bite, but you’ll most probably need two or three if you wanna maintain a certain level of elegance. However, it’s understandable when elegance goes out of the window because you are eating a buttery saucy yummy sandwich. You will be lost in its hint of sweetness, tanginess, spiciness and manners will be the last thing on your mind. That’s ok! I bet even the most judgmental southern old lady would forgive you! P.S. Wanna keep in touch? Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest to stay up to date with my posts! If you end up making one of my recipes, I would love to see it! Just take a photo and post it on your preferred Social Media and tag me or use the hashtag #oliviascuisine! :) 

White BBQ Brisket Sandwiches - 42White BBQ Brisket Sandwiches - 29White BBQ Brisket Sandwiches - 15White BBQ Brisket Sandwiches - 79White BBQ Brisket Sandwiches - 34White BBQ Brisket Sandwiches - 80White BBQ Brisket Sandwiches - 2