As my mother will heartily attest, as a kid I was THE WORST about taking any kind of liquid medicine, especially cold or flu medicine. I’d work myself into a reality TV–worthy fit, to the extent that she finally gave up and let me start swallowing the gel capsules at an age that I’m sure was a few years below what it says on the back of the box. My one exception was the weird neon pink medicine that had to refrigerated, which I found oddly delicious. TO BE CLEAR: This turmeric smoothie does not taste like the pink stuff. AT ALL. It tastes like creamy, bright, healing berry sunshine. Although my taste in flu and cold remedies has improved exponentially as an adult, my motivation to take it (an excuse to eat or drink something delicious) has not.

Case in Point One: My daily multivitamin. I haven’t missed a dose ever since these delectable gummy ones were invented.

Yes, apparently I need my vitamins to taste like candy to remember to take them. Better than not taking them at all, right?

Case in Point Two: This delicious turmeric blueberry smoothie.

This turmeric tastes richly fruity thanks to a medley of berries, bewitchingly bright and warm thanks to the healing spices, and satisfyingly rich and creamy. It makes cold fighting and immune-boosting delicious and enjoyable, instead of a chore. I started playing around with cold fighting smoothie recipes back when I shared this Strawberry Kiwi Smoothie. While today’s turmeric smoothie shares a few of the same ingredients, its flavor profile is completely different.

Turmeric Smoothie Ingredients

Berries: High in antioxidants, berries help fight off the bad guys in your body and reduce inflammation. I used a blend of blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries because that is what I had available near me. If you can find açai berries, those are an excellent addition too.Yogurt: The probiotics in yogurt may ease the severity of colds. Look for labels that say “live and active cultures” and have added vitamin D.Spinach: Folate, vitamin C, and antioxidants galore. (Check out this Strawberry Spinach Smoothie for another smoothie recipe with spinach.)Oatmeal: A fiber in oats called beta-glucan boosts your body’s ability to fight off infections. Bonus: Oatmeal smoothies keep you full and happy for longer too (try this classic Oatmeal Smoothie. It tastes like a cookie!).Ginger: One of the oldest natural remedies + even more antioxidants. Take THAT nasty cold.Turmeric: With ginger above in the super-duper natural remedy/antioxidant department. It’s also anti-inflammatory (as is ginger), so if you were seeking a turmeric smoothie for inflammation, this recipe has you covered there too.

Recipe Adaptations

This smoothie recipe is quite flexible, so feel free to adjust it to your taste.

Smoothie for Flu or Cold Fighting. I recommend keeping the ingredients I listed above as a base, but you can feel free to add additional.Turmeric Banana Smoothie. Add an extra 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup of banana.Turmeric Pineapple Smoothie. Add an extra 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup of pineapple.Turmeric Smoothie for Kids. Add a few extra berries to make sure that any hint of spinach is covered. I’d also recommend honey or banana to up the sweetness. The fact that this is a turmeric green smoothie can be our little secret.Looking for something sweeter? Try this Strawberry Smoothie or Strawberry Blueberry Smoothie.

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