Everyone needs a little pick-me-up once in a while — and when you’re not home to make a bulletproof coffee, Starbucks is one of the most popular places to make it happen. But the question is, are there Starbucks keto options? The answer is yes! You can easily order keto Starbucks drinks and food, as long as you take a little time to plan ahead. Let me show you how with this low carb Starbucks guide! Let’s go over all the ways you can order Starbucks keto drinks and meals — including coffee, tea, add-ins, snacks, and more.  

Can You Order Things Keto At Starbucks?

Starbucks keto food and drinks are available to order! Similar to my keto fast food guide, though, getting low carb food and drinks at Starbucks falls on a spectrum — some options will be much “cleaner” than others. (See the difference between clean and dirty keto here.) That’s okay, though! If you’re on the go and need some kind of keto option, you’ll be able to find one at Starbucks. But the best thing about Starbucks is that you can customize your order! Here are the main ways to do that…

Plain black coffees. Includes cold brew, espresso, and iced coffee. Brewed teas. Iced or hot, as long as they are plain and not mixed with anything else. Meat and cheese. You can often find plain ones in the snack case.

Tips For How To Order Keto At Starbucks

1. Swap ingredients.

You probably know that you should avoid sugar, sweet syrups, and regular milk. (See the full list below for what to avoid on keto at Starbucks.)

Heavy cream Breve (half and half) – if it fits your macros Cinnamon Sugar-free syrups (these contain sucralose, so they are low carb but not a clean ingredient) – Vanilla, cinnamon dolce, and sometimes others depending on the store.

TIP: Keep a bag of Besti sweetener or natural keto coffee syrup in your car if you want a clean keto sweetener that dissolves effortlessly in both hot and cold drinks! But there’s good news: in many drinks, you can swap milk, sugar and syrups with the keto-friendly add-ins listed above! If you’re unsure about which drinks qualify or what you can swap, the list of the 15 best low carb Starbucks drinks below – there are instructions for how to order each one in a keto friendly way.

2. Toss the bread (or avoid it altogether).

There are many low carb starbucks food options that don’t include bread or wraps, but if you do get one… don’t eat those parts.

3. Check the menu online.

If you’re concerned about ingredients or nutrition information, Starbucks provides comprehensive lists online.

4. Order from the app.

If you have a complicated order (or you’re just worried you’ll ask for the wrong thing), I highly recommend you use the Starbucks app! It’s one of the easiest ways to make sure your keto Starbucks order is correct.

Top 15 Keto Starbucks Drinks

These are the best low carb Starbucks drinks you can order in store… and even make at home!

1. Espresso

What is it? Concentrated coffee served in shotglass-sized portions. How to order it keto at Starbucks? Order one (or multiple) shots of espresso, hot or over ice. Can you make it at home? If you have an espresso machine, you can make your own shots at home.

2. Americano

What is it? Espresso shots with added water, hot or iced. How to order as a keto friendly Starbucks drink? Order a hot or iced americano. If desired, ask for “safe” add-ins listed above. Can you make it at home? If you have the equipment to make espresso, you can easily add more water to make an americano.

3. Black Coffee

What is it? Brewed coffee using Starbucks roasted coffee beans. How to order this Starbucks keto option? Ask for brewed coffee in your preferred roast. Typically, you can find blonde roast, Pike Place roast, and dark roast. Can you make it at home? If you pick up a bag of Starbucks beans, you can easily brew your own black coffee.

4. Iced Coffee

What is it? Brewed coffee served sweetened over ice. How to order it as a keto Starbucks drink? “Iced coffee, unsweetened,” or ask for a sugar-free syrup instead of Starbucks “classic” syrup. You can also ask for keto add-ins like heavy cream. Can you make it at home? Yes! Prepare black coffee, allow to cool, and pour over ice. If you want to sweeten it, use simple syrup, or keto coffee syrup for vanilla or hazelnut flavors.

5. Cold Brew Coffee

What is it? Ground coffee steeped in cold water for 20 hours, served on ice. How to order this keto coffee Starbucks option? Ask for cold brew, plus any “safe” keto add ins (if desired). Can you make it at home? Use a cold brew coffee maker to prepare your own.

6. Misto

What is it? Half brewed coffee, half steamed milk. How to order it keto at Starbucks? Ask for a misto with heavy cream, 1/2 heavy cream and 1/2 water. Can you make it at home? If you brew coffee and froth warmed-up, keto-friendly milk with a milk frother, you could make a similar drink from home.

7. Espresso Con Panna

What is it? Espresso shots with a dollop of whipped cream. How to order it as a keto Starbucks drink? Order as-is. Starbucks does not have sugar-free whipped cream, so this will be a “dirty” keto option. Can you make it at home? If you can prepare your own shots, you can add sugar-free whipped cream on top for a great make-at-home alternative.

8. Caffè Latte

What is it? Starbucks offers many latte variations, but the traditional latte combines espresso shots with unsweetened steamed milk and a top layer of foam. How to order these keto friendly drinks at Starbucks? Order a hot or iced latte, and ask the barista to substitute one of the “safer” keto milks listed above. You can also ask to add sugar-free syrup; the number of “pumps” added will vary depending on the size you order. Can you make it at home? Assuming you can make your own espresso shots, you could make your own keto latte by combining them with warmed keto milk — you can froth it yourself with this tool.

9. Pink Drink

What is it? A caffeinated strawberry acai juice base, with added coconut milk and freeze dried strawberries. How to order a Starbucks keto pink drink? Ask for unsweetened iced passion tango tea, no “classic” syrup, 4 pumps of sugar-free vanilla syrup, light heavy cream, and no water. Can you make it at home? Yes! See the best low carb pink drink recipe here.

10. London Fog

What is it? Brewed earl grey tea with steamed milk and vanilla syrup. You may get it hot or iced. How to order it as a Starbucks keto friendly drink? Ask for a London Fog, but substitute a “safer” keto milk listed above, and sugar-free vanilla syrup instead of regular. Can you make it at home? It will take extra steps, but you can do it: Steep earl grey tea in warmed keto milk, froth it, and add natural sugar-free vanilla coffee syrup for a similar drink at home.

11. Royal English Breakfast Tea Latte

What is it? Brewed English breakfast tea with steamed milk, sugar syrup, and a layer of foam. This drink comes hot or iced. How to order it keto at Starbucks? Ask for this drink, and substitute your “safe” keto milk choice (listed above) and sugar-free syrup instead of “classic” syrup. Can you make it at home? Similar to a London Fog, you can make your own with a combination of English breakfast tea, warmed and frothed keto milk, and either homemade simple syrup or pre-made keto simple syrup.

12. Espresso Macchiato

What is it? Hot espresso shots with a dollop of foam. How to order as a keto Starbucks drink? Simply ask for an espresso macchiato. If desired, substitute the 2% milk with breve (the carb difference is negligible, though). Do not ask for almond milk or heavy cream, as they will likely not create a quality foam. Can you make it at home? If you don’t have an espresso machine or milk frother, leave this one to Starbucks to prepare.

13. Flat White

What is it? Concentrated espresso shots with steamed whole milk. How to order a keto flat white at Starbucks? Ask for a flat white, but substitute “safe” keto milk of choice above, or 1/2 heavy cream and 1/2 water. Can you make it at home? This order is best kept at Starbucks, since home espresso machines don’t make the concentrated “ristretto” shots needed for this drink.

14. Cappuccino

What is it? Espresso with steamed milk and an extra thick layer of foam. How to order a keto cappuccino at Starbucks? You can order a keto version of this drink, which is why it is listed here, but it will most likely not look or taste much like a cappuccino unless you substitute breve for 2% milk (which will add more carbs to your order); this version of the drink is technically called a cafe breve, but it is not listed on the official Starbucks menu. Any other milk option will not create a quality foam. Can you make it at home? If you have the proper espresso machine, you could attempt a cappuccino at home with a keto milk option — but beware that not all create foam the same way.

15. Tea

What is it? Brewed tea, hot or iced. How to order keto tea at Starbucks? You can order hot versions of chai, earl grey, English breakfast, green, and herbal teas, as well as iced versions of black, green, and passion teas. Always ask them to be unsweetened, and avoid matcha or teas mixed with lemonade. Can you make it at home? Yes! Simply brew your favorite tea. Serve hot, or cool and serve over ice.

The Starbucks keto menu isn’t just limited to drinks… check out the food options as well!

6 Best Starbucks Keto Food Options

If you know what to look for, you can easily find keto food at Starbucks. Try these options!

1. Meat and cheeses

What is it? Choices vary by store, but you can find deli meats (usually salami) and hard cheese on a platter, string cheese, and/or mini cheese wheels. How to get this keto Starbucks food? Look for snack trays and cheeses in the cold case. Avoid options with added fruit, crackers, or bread-like items. Can you make it at home? Yes! Grab any combination of meats and keto cheeses for a super low carb snack.

2. Avocado spread

What is it? A guacamole-like blend of avocado, spices, and lime juice. How to get this low carb Starbucks food? Find cups of avocado spread in the cold case. Can you make it at home? You can always make your own keto guacamole at home!

3. Packaged nuts

What is it? Roasted nuts. How to get this Starbucks keto food? Get nuts in the unrefrigerated areas near the cold case. Avoid any varieties with dried fruit, bars with nuts, or chocolate covered nuts. Can you make it at home? Absolutely. Find a full list of keto nuts in this food list.

4. Kale chips

What is it? Roasted, salted kale leaves. How to get this keto food at Starbucks? Look in shelves near the cold case. Can you make it at home? You can easily make these veggie chips at home! Try this kale chip recipe.

5. Jerky

What is it? Smoked, dried slices of beef or turkey. How to get this Starbucks keto menu item? Look in the shelves by the cold case. Most jerky is low carb but has added sugar, so take that into account when you choose these snacks. Can you make it at home? Yes, you can make your own sugar-free jerky! Otherwise, look for an unsweetened alternative like biltong.

6. Sous Vide Egg Bites

What is it? Gently cooked, bite sized eggs combined with meats, cheeses, and veggies. How to get this keto friendly Starbucks food? Order any flavor of sous vide egg bites. The bacon gruyere variety is the most keto-friendly option at 9 grams of net carbs, while other varieties can run up to 11 net carbs. Keep in mind that sous vide egg bites also contain added starches and maltodextrin (a form of sugar). Can you make it at home? You can make these keto egg bites yourself, with no added starch and fewer carbs!

Worst Low Carb Options At Starbucks

Now that you know the best options for food and drinks, you’ll want to know what to avoid. Make sure you steer clear of these drinks, condiments, and food items:

All dairy milk – whole, nonfat, 2% Coconut milk – normally a great keto food, but this one has too much added sugar Almond milk – beware, contains added sugar Whipped cream – contains added sugar Soy milk Oat milk All Frappuccinos Honey All regular syrups, including caramel and white chocolate “Cloud” drinks Specialty “foams” and sweet creams Chai lattes Steamers Fancy toppings – such as chocolate shavings or cookie crumbles Mochas Lemonades and juices Smoothies Refreshers Violet drinks Sandwiches and wraps All bakery items All snack bars All chips and popcorn Yogurt

This looks like a long list, but rest assured — there are so many keto friendly drinks at Starbucks (see the list above!), that you won’t miss out on anything. And if that’s not enough, see the keto Starbucks recipes below to make your own.

12 Keto Starbucks Drinks & Food Recipes To Make At Home

Although there are plenty of options for food and keto friendly drinks at Starbucks, some items are not keto-friendly in store no matter how many modifications you make. Some of the raw ingredients simply contain too much sugar, starch, or added carbs. If you’re craving these particular items, you can still make a keto version of them at home. Here are some of the best keto Starbucks copycat recipes to try:

Keto Pink Drink

Smooth and sweet, without the sugary additives. This pink drink is easy to make at home!

Get The Keto Pink Drink Recipe

Keto Pumpkin Spice Latte

Since you can’t get this keto Starbucks option in-store, make it at home! (And yes… pumpkin is keto!)

Get The Keto Pumpkin Spice Latte Recipe

Keto Matcha Frappe

Since Starbucks matcha has added sugar, give this frappe a try — it takes minutes to prep.

Get The Keto Matcha Frappe Recipe

Keto Hot Chocolate

Again… Starbucks hot choccolate has added sugar. Try this sugar-free version instead!

Get The Keto Hot Chocolate Recipe

Keto Coffee Creamer

Get classic coffee shop flavors like hazelnut, pumpkin spice, and vanilla in this sugar-free creamer (with 5 variations)!

Get The Keto Coffee Creamer Recipe

Keto Bulletproof Coffee (Butter Coffee)

Make this power-packed coffee in minutes!

Get The Keto Butter Coffee Recipe

Keto Oatmeal

No oats here… but this simple blend of nuts, seeds, and protein makes the ultimate hot and creamy cereal.

Get The Keto Oatmeal Recipe

Low Carb Bagels

You can’t order this as a keto Starbucks food, but you can easily make it at home with a few simple ingredients.

Get The Keto Bagels Recipe

Keto Banana Nut Bread

No bananas harmed here… there’s a secret ingredient in this moist and nutty loaf.

Get The Keto Banana Nut Bread Recipe

Keto Blueberry Scones

You can’t add regular scones to your keto Starbucks order, but you can make these copycats with just 4g net carbs.

Get The Keto Blueberry Scones Recipe

Keto Sous Vide Egg Bites

The ones on the Starbucks keto menu are a little higher in carbs. Make these at home in your Instant Pot!

Get The Keto Egg Bites Recipe

Keto Blueberry Muffins

So moist and cakey, with no white flour or sugar whatsoever.

Get The Keto Blueberry Muffins Recipe

Conclusion: Keto Friendly Starbucks Options

So, can you get low carb food and keto friendly drinks at Starbucks? Absolutely! Stick with safer drink choices that use low carb milks and little to no sugar. When it comes to Starbucks keto food options, look for meats, cheeses, and nuts. Avoid high-carb milk options, baked goods, and added sweeteners. Have more ideas for keto drinks to order at Starbucks (and foods, too!)? Leave a comment below and share with us!