Spaghetti squash is one special pasta alternative. Unlike other squash varieties such as butternut and pumpkin, its long strands make it the perfect choice for veggie pasta dishes. But, is spaghetti squash keto? Get the definitive answers here, including carbs in spaghetti squash and delicious ways to have spaghetti squash on keto. Wondering about other keto foods? Take a look at the carb counts in this lengthy keto food list, or use some simple keto cheat sheets to get started.

Is Spaghetti Squash Keto Friendly?

Can you eat spaghetti squash on keto? Yes! Is spaghetti squash low carb? Also yes! Carbs in spaghetti squash are on the lower end for keto vegetables, so you can easily fit it into your meals.

How Many Carbs In Spaghetti Squash?

Does spaghetti squash have carbs? Yes: While not as low as other squash varieties like zuccchini, spaghetti squash carbs are still on the lower side. In one cup of cooked spaghetti squash, you’ll find 10 grams of total carbs [*]. What about spaghetti squash net carbs? With a little over 2 grams of fiber, you can expect 7.8 grams of net carbs in a one-cup, cooked serving.

Keto Recipes With Spaghetti Squash

How can you best enjoy your low spaghetti squash carb count? Try these easy keto spaghetti squash recipes!

Get Spaghetti Squash Keto Recipes

Conclusion: Is Spaghetti Squash Keto Friendly?

Yes, you can have spaghetti squash on keto! Carbs in spaghetti squash are much lower than other winter squashes. Try it in low carb recipes as a delicious pasta substitute.