After a pumpkin cheesecake recipe earlier this week, I have to admit that a bok choy recipe – even a super easy garlic bok choy recipe – is a little anticlimactic. And if you haven’t tried bok choy before, it might sound intimidating or not very good. But, hear me out! As much as we all love our keto dessert recipes and comfort foods like low carb pizza and cheeseburger casserole, sometimes you just need a super simple meal or side dish. Very few people have the luxury of cooking a complicated, multi-step meal more than occasionally – let alone all the time! So, when you just want an easy, delicious side dish on the table, a basic roasted bok choy recipe fits the bill. The thing is, bok choy is not the most common vegetable. Don’t be put off by that. It can be delicious! And, it’s naturally low carb, gluten-free, keto, paleo, and even vegan if that’s your thing.

How To Roast Bok Choy

Specifically, the best way to eat bok choy is to roast it. Because let’s face it. Almost every vegetable – from broccoli to cauliflower to cabbage – is better roasted. You may not traditionally think of leafy greens as something to roast. But when you have tougher greens like bok choy, roasting them actually softens them and creates a delicious flavor. Especially when you pair it with garlic! The process is super simple. Cut up the bok choy, top with avocado oil, salt, pepper and minced garlic, and then roast in the oven. Flip it halfway through. Doesn’t get much easier than that!

How To Choose Bok Choy

Try to choose bok choy that is very leafy. The leaves should be bright and crisp, not wilted or browned. Fewer leaves means that it will burn more easily before the firmer part is cooked. Otherwise, if your bok choy isn’t very leafy, cut into fewer pieces to encourage more even cooking. You can make either regular roasted bok choy or roasted baby bok choy with this recipe. The time will be approximately the same, but if you use very small baby bok choy, you may need to reduce the roasting time.

How To Cut Bok Choy For Roasting

There is some variation in how roasted bok choy recipes recommend cutting the bok choy. Based on my testing, fewer pieces is better. Not only does it save time, it also creates more browning and even cooking. To cut bok choy for roasting, simply cut it lengthwise in half, then repeat the process, cutting each piece lengthwise in half again. The end result should be quarters or eighths, depending on the size of your bok choy and the amount of leaves. The larger or more leafy it is, the narrower your pieces should be. Here is the bok choy in the pan, ready to go in the oven, with a good balance of leaves and stems:

What To Serve With Roasted Bok Choy

You can serve just about any protein with roasted bok choy! Chicken, beef, fish – you name it. A few of my recent favorites include:

Oven baked chicken thighs Garlic parmesan chicken wings Prosciutto wrapped chicken – skip the honey to keep it low carb Even filet mignon for a fancier dinner

Make Ahead Oven Roasted Bok Choy

Unlike many recipes with leafy greens, you can prepare oven roasted bok choy ahead of time. It’s still best to roast it fresh, but you can prepare the pan with oil, salt, pepper and garlic ahead of time. Simply cover and place in the fridge, then roast right before serving. If you must, you can store extra roasted bok choy in the fridge and reheat. It will wilt a bit more, but is still fine since roasting already wilts it to begin with. That makes it great for lunch meal prep! Share your recipe picture by tagging @wholesomeyum and hashtag it #wholesomeyum on Instagram, or in our Facebook support group, too - I’d love to see it!