Can you believe it’s Easter time already? ? Time to gather the loved ones to eat delicious food and celebrate little traditions! Oh, I’m sure you’ve already noticed that I’m a sucker for traditions. Especially the ones that involve food! ??? One of my favorite Easter traditions – along with oversized chocolate eggs – is the Easter Dove Bread, or Colomba Pasquale as they call in Italy. Like the Panettone, this sweet bread is really popular in Brazil, because of our strong Italian heritage, and my family always gobbles a few of these for Páscoa (Easter in Portuguese). I had never made dove bread before, but since finding it in stores here in the U.S. is not as easy as finding them in Brazil (where they are EVERYWHERE during Easter season!), I decided to roll my sleeves and make my own! And, after a month of making this, I’m proud to report that I’ve come up with a soft and fragrant bread that will be a must at your Easter table! (However, after eating God knows how many Colombas, my husband can’t probably see another one until next year…)

In fact, if you have been asking yourself where I was the past few weeks, now you know! I was testing/tweaking Dove Bread recipes. Sometimes I get obsessed with a project and I simply can’t get myself to move forward until I nail it. And, my friends, believe me when I say that this is the best Colomba Pasquale I have ever eaten! The texture is so soft, the bread is not overly sweet and your home will smell amazing!

The recipe does requires a little work and time, but it is so worth it! The dough for this bread is quite sticky and difficult to come together – given that it requires a lot of butter – so using a strong stand mixer is ideal. Can you make it by hand? Yes. Will you enjoy making it by hand? No. (But you will enjoy eating it later. That I can guarantee!) Also, I highly recommend you get some paper dove pans. (I got mine here.) Dove bread shape varies, but I’m more fond of the rustic versions than the more detailed ones that are shaped by hand. You’ll also have less chances of ending up with a Pinterest fail!?

I don’t consider myself a strong baker, so whenever I bake, I make sure I use the highest quality ingredients on the market (provided I can afford them!). So it’s no surprise that I partnered with Bob’s Red Mill, since I am obsessed with their products. Last year, Tim and I attended a lovely party hosted by Bob’s Red Mill, where we were served delicious baked goods and cocktails. After the party, they sent me a care package with some flours from their new line. It was love at first taste. And sight too! The packages are so colorful and beautiful. Ever since then, I always have a bag or two of Bob’s Red Mill flour in my pantry. Their Organic Unbleached White Flour is not enriched with any additives and is the same high protein flour used by professional bakers. Baking with this flour always results in high, well-textured loaves of bread as well as light, airy baked goods. Oh yeah, I am a big fan! ?

My favorite thing about this dove bread is the texture. That is also the reason it took me almost two weeks of making this until I was satisfied with the softness of the bread. There’s nothing worse than dry Colomba! I was also really tempted to make a chocolate version instead of the traditional dried fruit. However, authenticity won the battle and I decided to leave the chocolate version for next year.

The dove bread goes great with some mascarpone and a little drizzle of honey. I like to serve it with coffee for Easter brunch or with a glass of Prosecco if I’m serving it as an afternoon snack or dessert. I hope you guys give it a try, as this sweet bread is really exceptional and is guaranteed to fill your Easter day with tradition. Plus, the dove is a universal symbol of peace and rebirth, things that humanity are in dire need of! Oh, and don’t forget to grab this coupon to use with Bob’s Red Mill products. Happy Easter!  



Easter Dove Bread  Colomba Pasquale  - 53Easter Dove Bread  Colomba Pasquale  - 77Easter Dove Bread  Colomba Pasquale  - 34Easter Dove Bread  Colomba Pasquale  - 29Easter Dove Bread  Colomba Pasquale  - 58Easter Dove Bread  Colomba Pasquale  - 56Easter Dove Bread  Colomba Pasquale  - 11Easter Dove Bread  Colomba Pasquale  - 56Easter Dove Bread  Colomba Pasquale  - 81Easter Dove Bread  Colomba Pasquale  - 46Easter Dove Bread  Colomba Pasquale  - 79