Although they’re a typically healthy food in many diets, carbs in sweet potato encounter a lot of confusion on a keto lifestyle. Some believe that they serve as a natural, whole-food source of carbs, while others advise to avoid them altogether (much like white potatoes or beans). What’s the real story? Are sweet potatoes keto? Let’s take a closer look at sweet potato carb count (including carbs in sweet potato fries and carbs in baked sweet potato), and surprising ways to enjoy the taste of sweet potato on keto. New to counting carbs or keto? Learn the keto diet basics here and grab my printable keto cheat sheet system to make it easy.

Are Sweet Potatoes Keto Friendly?

Sweet potatoes may be keto friendly in small portions, depending on how you prepare them. However, they are not keto in average serving sizes because they contain too many carbs to easily fit in keto macros. Some alternative forms of low carb dieting incorporate sweet potatoes in a carb refeed or planned “cheat” day, but they still do not fit in a traditional strict keto diet. If keto and sweet potatoes don’t mix most of the time, are sweet potatoes low carb? The answer depends heavily on the serving size and your personal macro calculations.

Are sweet potato fries keto?

Sweet potato fries are not very keto friendly either. The average serving of fries contains too many carbs to easily fit in keto macros, but you may be able to enjoy one or two at a time. GET THE WEB APP

Are sweet potato chips keto?

You might have guessed already… These chips are also not keto friendly due to the high carbs in every serving.

How Many Carbs In Sweet Potato?

Do sweet potatoes have carbs? Absolutely… but how many carbs in a cup of sweet potatoes? A cup of mashed sweet potato contains a whopping 59.2 grams total carbs [*]. Net carbs in sweet potato aren’t much lower. Since they contain a small amount of fiber, the same serving size clocks in at 54.9 grams net carbs.

How many carbs in sweet potato fries?

Carb counts can vary depending on where and how fries are prepared. However, carbs in the average cup of sweet potato fries add up to 20.4 grams total carbs and 17.1 grams net carbs [*].

How many carbs in a baked sweet potato?

Just how many carbs in a sweet potato when you bake it? They’re still high: One whole medium baked sweet potato yields 23.6 grams total carbs and 19.8 grams net carbs [*]. The chart below summarizes carbs for all varieties of sweet potato.

Are sweet potatoes good carbs?

Anecdotally, some individuals that follow low carb or keto macros most of the time find that adding the occasional sweet potato allows them to achieve their personal health goals. Since they are a whole food, sweet potatoes are also considered better sources of carbs than processed foods with added flour or sugar. However, the purpose and foundation of a ketogenic diet plan is to restrict carbohydrate intake. With that in mind, sweet potato is not a “good” carb for keto because it does not fit the limits that keto places on carbohydrate intake… although it may work on keto in very small amounts.

Keto Sweet Potato Substitutes

Don’t worry too much about the high carbs in these potatoes… There are a surprising number of sweet potato keto swaps that closely resemble its flavors and textures!

Keto Sweet Potato Casserole – One of the best keto sweet potato recipes ever — it tastes like the real deal!Pumpkin – It has fewer carbs and a very similar flavor profile.Butternut Squash – In moderation, it closely captures the flavor and texture of sweet potato.Cauliflower – When cooked and mashed, you can use it to “stretch” the carb count in sweet potato.Rutabaga – Makes the perfect lower carb swap when you crave fries.

Conclusion: Can You Eat Sweet Potatoes On Keto?

Generally, sweet potato carbs are too high to enjoy regularly on keto. However, you may be able to incorporate very small servings into this lifestyle — or better yet, use keto sweet potato substitutes instead.