I don’t know what it is, but something about Kahlua makes me feel a little bit fancy whenever I have it. Maybe it’s because it’s something typically ordered as a treat at a restaurant. Or maybe it’s because I remember my parents adding it to their coffee after dinner when I was a kid. Whatever the case, I love trying out new Kahlua recipes at home, especially when I’m having guests over for dinner. Every time I break out the Kahlua bottle, I’m met with a bunch of smiles. 

What Is Kahlua?

Kahlua is a popular liqueur made in Veracruz, Mexico. Dating all the way back to 1936, it features rum, sugar, and arabica coffee, which is why it’s often used in coffees after dinner. Kahlua means “House of the Acolhua people,” and it’s been a staple in many households for almost 100 years. Some people enjoy serving it straight over a glass of ice as a nice after-dinner sipping drink. Of course, where it really shines is in classic cocktails. From a creamy mudslide to a bold black Russian to B-52 shots and hot chocolate, Kahlua is a welcome addition to so many beverages.  These boozy treats are so much fun to whip up, and they’re even more fun to drink. Get your cocktail shaker ready, and let’s get mixing!

Best Kahlua Recipes To Try Tonight

1. Frozen Mudslide

I had to start this list off with the very best. Is there anything better on a hot evening than cooling off with a drink that’s perfect for getting tipsy but tastes like a milkshake?  Made with vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup, crushed ice, and, of course, Kahlua, this is one treat I just can’t get enough of. I’ve been known to make one for myself in the middle of the afternoon if the mood strikes me right. 

2. Black Russian

I’m sure you’ve had countless white Russians in your life, but have you ever tried a black Russian? It’s been a classic since 1949 when a bartender named Gustave Tops created it at the Hotel Metropole. This drink is a bit bolder than its white counterpart, and it’s made with Kahlua and vodka. It’s bound to inspire you to put your feet up and unwind.

3. Brown Cow

A brown cow is basically just a grown-up version of a glass of milk. It’s made with ice, Kahlua, and milk. It’s the perfect drink for dunking a warm chocolate chip cookie, don’t you think? Actually, you could dunk any kind of cookie in this delicious drink — even Oreos. Hey, why not? It’s your cocktail, after all. Let the kids have chocolate milk after dinner while you relax and sip on your brown cow. Everybody will be happy.

4. Espresso Martini

Calling all coffee lovers! After one sip of this espresso martini, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without such an incredible cocktail. The Kahlua takes away from the bitterness of the espresso, making this drink light, smooth, and simply divine. This martini goes down nice, slow, and smooth, making it the perfect drink to enjoy before or after dinner.

5. Coffee with Kahlua

You deserve to treat yourself once in a while, even if it’s with a boozed-up version of coffee over breakfast. Skip your usual cream and add Kahlua instead, and you won’t be disappointed. This is one of my favorite beverages to sip and enjoy with some freshly baked muffins or some decadent French toast.  It’s the perfect Sunday morning indulgence.

6. Kahlua Mocha Milkshake

Made with vanilla ice cream, chocolate liqueur, Kahlua, and mocha iced coffee, this milkshake is what dreams are made of. The coffee flavor really takes it over the top, especially since Kahlua and coffee pair so well together.  This milkshake will cool you off and satisfy your sweet tooth at the same time, all while making you feel like a million bucks. You can’t go wrong with this one.

7. Kahlua Hot Chocolate

When the air turns chilly, there’s no better way to warm up than with this adult hot chocolate. It’ll give you all the nostalgia and feels of being a kid again, but with a delicious Kahlua kick. You can add as much or as little as you like in order to get the flavor (and booze level) just right. If you want to be really indulgent, add some whipped cream and chocolate chips to the top!

8. Salted Caramel White Russian

This cocktail is so buttery and creamy, I don’t even know where to begin. It’s almost like having a caramel candy in a glass, but it’s even more melt-in-your-mouth than that. You won’t want to skip the sea salt garnish on this one, as it really gives it a little extra something. But be warned, you won’t be able to have more than one or two of these at the most. They’re that rich.

9. B-52 Cocktail

This is one of those “fun” shots that’s not quite as tough to knock back as straight-up whiskey or vodka. Made with layers of Kahlua, Baileys, and Grand Marnier, it looks pretty impressive in the glass with the difference in colors. It takes a bit of practice to learn how to layer the different liqueurs, but once you have it down, all of your friends will think you’re a bartending pro. And the taste? It’s a little bit caramel, a little bit mocha, and a little bit orange all at the same time. Mmm!

10. Kahlua Coca-Cola Float

Just as you enjoyed the contrast between fizz and cream in root beer floats as a kid, you’ll equally appreciate this Kahlua Coca-Cola float.  Since it’s made with ice cream, this is really more of a dessert than a drink, but however you want to enjoy it, it’s guaranteed to satisfy.  If Coca-Cola is a bit too sweet, you can always go back to the classic root beer or cream soda. Personally, I think Coke is the way to go, though. Click on a star to rate it!

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